program highlights



The Staff picnic of Sneha Jyothi Vidyalaya was held on 22nd and 23rd of march 2019. The staff members made all the way to Udupi in the school bus. The journey started sharp at 8:30 p.m on 21-3-19 and reached the destination by 6:30 am on 22-3-19. The first place visited was the beautiful "Pharangi Kudru" Island. Songs, dances, water games and the delicious sea food added fun to the day. The next up destination was the beach, the beautiful sunset mesmerized one and all. Eventually the staff took a night layover at holy trinity school Perampally which was arranged by the headmaster.The next spot was Sr Krishna Mata, which was visited on 23-3-19. The beautiful outlook of the temple drew the attention of one and all, also the Manipal science museum located in Manipal kept everyone captive, nextly the famous Salumarada Thimakka garden was visited where everyone enjoyed the calmful scene and captured lots of pictures.The staff members took the departure journey by 7.30 pm with pleasurable sweet memories and reached Pothnal by 6.30 am.

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